Monday, July 2, 2012

Sparky Snippets

1.   A gorgeous vintage apron + the real deal original smiley mugs :: a gift from my supa sweet sista in-law
2.    Retail therapy :: the perfect score...a vintage lookin' sign thats goin look great in our mini hallway
3.  Polenta :: i'm trying out a new recipe...Polenta Lasagna !! yumo gluten-free goodness
4.  La driveway in all its glory (daisy's are one of my fav's)
5.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the rustic garden at the back of the shed - grapes and snapdragons :)
6.  The only flowers left standing at my back door, after a pesky deer munched all my roses in the night
7.  Fresh laundry on the line

Bye bye for now :: lil jj


  1. Aw! You're so welcome! I haven't visited in a bit so I din't see this. :) i love the dress. Pretty!

  2. Currently have the mugs 'on display'....too cute to use!!! ;) thanks again!!
