Thursday, November 11, 2010

Its all about the time

Okay so we just had to put back our clocks an hour - and i have to say "I am Lovin' it!!!" Infact i haven't even changed my clocks in my house coz i'm loving it so much(i think its called task cheating)......its light in the morning, i feel like i have one extra hour in my day to get things done and its getting i don't feel guilty about staying inside. So this new change has brought on a change i think.....i feel like i'm finally getting on top of things and getting some order(Being away for so long really messed me up for a bit mentally, motivationally and financially!)
And the other thing is.....i have to get really on top of things coz my Mama is coming over for 3 weeks, i have my 'Sparky Jones Fabulous First Christmas Showing' to prepare for....and i've signed up to do a craft fair in early December.
So when you need to get going, first things first......tidy or procrastinate!!! I just gave my studio a HUGE cleanout and it looks awesome and i love going to work. My mind is clear and focused, and i found all this funk-i-ma-fied fabric that had been hiding for the last year or so.

And i think it took me about 3 hours to go thru my fabrics and fold em all - My shelves haven't looked like that for a very long time!!!

And the latest...there are 2 Busy Jones bags called 'WinterBerry'. I bought a skirt ages ago in a thrift shop in Perth Australia...and it never did fit right i think i just loved the cranberry colour and the Japanesey feel. I just have to do i couple of lil finishing touches and then i'll be able to post them.
And lastly....i feel like there is always lots of really cool things happening, but i never have my camera and i always think that i write about it 'the next day 'and never do.....So i vow to write once a day about something cool or at least funny......and maybe just maybe some new Sparky Jones goodies !!
bye for now
Little JJ

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome that you make all those bags from scratch! I browse etsy sometimes, will definitely have to check out your store!

