Friday, December 31, 2010

A serious case of the BIG EYE!!!!

So i have been seriously messed up of late and why you ask??? Well i have had the BIG EYE syndrome......thus meaning........YOU SIMPLY CAN NOT SLEEP!!!! Every night i get hit with the biggest amount of inspiration and ideas!!! So i stay up thinking and jotting and so pumped up. But then what happens - the sun rises and so does my insanity levels, and i feel so incredibly crappy that when i get into my studio....i have put on my cranky pants instead of my happy go lucky livin the dream pants.
One night i thought well i'll fix this problem....i'll take some nighttime cold n' flu. Took it and got into bed a 3am.........LET THIS BE A LEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR ALL::: always check what colour is for night time!!!! I guess i had taken the daytime...and not just one of them!!!! Lets just say i got a lot done by 7AM!!!!
Anyways just finished up these 'postal blues' Kinn Jones hats.....the other side is supa cute....check it out here.
And whats cool about i stiffened them with a bit of hair canvas n upcycled canvas. I'd always wanted to try using it.....and i was pretty happy with the outcome!!!!

And just finished up this cutey today!!! a 'deliciously minty' Busy Jones handbag.....i'd had some buckram interfacing stashed i thought well it may aswell go to a good this Busy is stiff and a little big bigger/deeper than my usual Busy's (my mama had suggested i tried that so you could fit a little more in- who doesn't love that idea!)
See how it fits here
And about those 'Trucker Tombo's'......................................
Well if anyone is interested.....i'll be loading 3 more in the shop on MONDAY the 2nd Jan!!!
Righto bye bye for now
HAPPY NEW YEARS everybodies....time to make those changes again hey!!!
bye bye for now
little jj


  1. DUDE!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT BAG! my goal is to save up and get one by summer! and Iam loving the hats...i could by out your whole inventory! Definatly need to come try some on. Your doing so great...I am soo happy for you and the article was AMAZING your gonna Be FAMOUS whoot whoot!!! Talk soon xoxo k

  2. hello hello, miss sparkyjones. :)
    i found your blog via dee. i was wondering if you might be making another one of your "Postal Blues Kinn Jones" hats? i would SO love to purchase one. it is way too cute.
    loving your blog! you are doing a fabulous job.
    love, becca
