Friday, February 14, 2014

My 3 Valentines Day words

Happy 'day of the loved'
its not really a day for loved up couples...its just a day for everyone to realize that they are loved by something or someone, and that is why it is special day.  For i had a great love for the lady who served me a strong coffee :: giggle!   All that romantic stuff is better when its randomly applied anyways!

So a friend and i were talking a while back about those '3' words! Those words that seem to be plastered over every surface at the moment....well they're nice + thoughtful + sweet, but we came to the conclusion that sometimes you just need to hear something else :: words that turn your bad day into something fantabulous,  make you feel like a rockstar, the cat's pyjama's + no matter how crazy you feel/are....the person who says these words.. can see otherwise

so what are they......

Sometimes i focus more on the day to day chores, whats for supper + kidlet business that i  forget to say that to peeps i care ::
+ hey Mr...(who is currently far away)......YOU ARE AWESOME!!
+ to my sicky kids, no sleep, going to school, working full-time besties......YOU ARE AWESOME!!
+ to you peeps out there ......  quick reminder....YOU ARE AWESOME!

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