Saturday, February 8, 2014

New Sparky Studio.

Hello hello! well its been a few days since i've been here...but its all for good reason! The stars have really been aligning for moi of late, and one of those many reasons is ...i now have a Sparky Studio! I can't even explain to you how exciting this is! A space to leave things as they are, a creative getaway, and so i can once again have my fantabulous fabric collection out so i can see it daily :: yum yum!

And the perfect thing about this lil nook is....its a one minute walk away from my house. Out the back door, down the alley and one block away! Funny story is i had put my name on the list probably 2 years ago, and had completely forgotten about it surely was a pleasant surprise phone call. I took the chartreuse shag carpet out, i did actually want to keep it, but trying to find a lost pin could become a bit of an issue.  It might be somewhat temporary, so i'll do her up the best i can...the most important thing is though...i have a space :: ahhhhhhhhhh.

 snapshots ::
1. hello sunshine + piano (pity that will be going soon)
2. the shag goodness
3. lucky number 14
4. i even love the art deco styled door handle
5. hardware supplied :: 2 hooks + a pencil the cupboard!

righto..more news to come soon, trying to keep up with it all + a babe who has decided not to nap or nap at odd weird moments.

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